Monday, December 19, 2016

Actor and Dancer Diego Luna : Mexican Hunk

Mexico had become my favorite country on term of Sexy Hunk behind Brazil and Venezuela. I think the things that Mexican look exotic because they live in hot places. Well, I introduced you with one of famous Mexican actor. His name is Diego Luna, the 31 years old Mexican hunk who born in Mexico city 29 December, 1979. Luna rose to famous after appear in top critical and successful Latino'esque move called "Havana Night : The Dirty Dancing". The Movie received many awards including best musical movie in Golden Globe and Academy Awards.

Beside being actor, Luna actually also a dancer, he show his dancing skill when appear in the movie Havana Night : The Dirty Dancing. Luna now had been married to Mexican actress and stay in the Mexico City. He begin his career in 1982 and since then had been appear in more than 20 movies, including Hollywood production.



Diego Luna profile/biography:
  • Full Name : Diego Luna
  • Birth of Place : Mexico City
  • Date of Birth : 29 December 1979
  • Nationality : Mexico
  • Height : 5'7
  • Weight : 165 lbs
  • Hair : Long Brown
  • Eyes : Brown
  • Occupation : Actor, Dancer

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